Official Game Time: 05/18/24 11:32:56 AM
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Dabney Coleman died on 05-17-2024 at the age of 92 and was picked by AintNobodyGotTimeForDat, crimsonandcloverandlloyd, DrKennethNoisewater, JodysBananaTrick, KarenCarpentersDietician, Shut_the_F_up, StripClubLunchBuffet, Thod_of_Gunder, WireHangerResidue
Alice Munro died on 05-14-2024 at the age of 92 and was picked by AintNobodyGotTimeForDat, Cleatsbadcalls, EatABurgerAndDie, GodOfThunder, JalapenoOnaStick
Micheline Presle died on 02-21-2024 at the age of 101 and was picked by 11 players.
Josip Manolic died on 04-15-2024 at the age of 104 and was picked by 4BogeyDump, BendanitchAcurlysnatch
Roger Corman died on 05-11-2024 at the age of 98 and was picked by 79 players.
Jimmy Johnson died on 05-10-2024 at the age of 86 and was picked by 0 players.
James Gregory died on 05-10-2024 at the age of 78 and was picked by sghusker
Peter Oosterhuis died on 05-03-2024 at the age of 76 and was picked by TalkinBoutPoopYall
Duane Eddy died on 05-02-2024 at the age of 86 and was picked by Sir_Derek_Von_Douchenbag, Thod_of_Gunder
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